European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions
Version 3

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Nota : ce document n'existe qu'en version anglaise.
The rate and numbers of runway incursion reports remain steady.
From the reports and data that are received, it is shown that there continue to be a minimum of two runway incursions every day in the European region. Accidents continue to take place on runways. Findings from those incident and accident reports have been used to determine the new recommendations and associated guidance materials contained in this update to the European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions (EAPPRI).
The increasing availability of runway incursion incident reports is a positive indication of the commitment of organisations and operational staff to prevent runway incursions and runway accidents by learning from the past accidents and incidents and sharing this information across Europe.
The establishment of aerodrome local Runway Safety Teams (RST), which should comprise, as a minimum, representatives from Aircraft Operators, Air Navigation Service Providers and the Aerodrome Operator, is helping to facilitate effective local implementation of the recommendations. At the same time, aerodrome local Runway Safety Teams address runway safety specific issues relating to their own aerodrome.
Core to the new (and existing) recommendations contained in this document is the uniform and consistent application of ICAO and, increasingly, EU provisions. It is for the Regulator/ National Aviation Authority to decide upon the strategy for implementation at applicable aerodromes within its own State.
The recommendations are mainly generic and it will be for the responsible organisations to decide specific details, after taking local conditions into account e.g. aerodromes where joint civilian and military operations take place.
The new recommendations are the result of the combined and sustained efforts of organisations representing all areas of aerodrome operations. The organisations that contributed to this action plan are totally committed to enhancing the safety of runway operations by advocating the implementation of the recommendations that it contains. These organisations include, but are not limited to, Aerodrome Operators, Air Navigation Service Providers, Aircraft Operators, and Regulators/National Aviation Authorities.
- Editeur
- Date de publication
- novembre 2017